sufi psychology

You think yourself merely a drop within the ocean, but you are also the entire ocean in a drop.

—Rumi, The Masnavi

“In a word, there is nothing closer to you than you.  If you do not know yourself, how can you know anything else?  ....  You must seek out the truth about yourself: What sort of a thing are you?  Where did you come from?  Where are you going?  Why have you come to this stopping place?  For what purpose were you created?  What is your happiness and in what does it lie?  What is your misery and in what does that lie?”

—Ghazali, The Alchemy of Happiness


This 8 week online course is an exploration of the key frameworks and terms of Sufi psychology and spirituality. We will cover the path from ego-consciousness to self-mastery and self-realization as articulated by the great scholars and mystics of Islam such as Ghazali and Rumi.

In addition to the weekly lessons we will also implement various Sufi practices such as dhikr, meditation, written reflection, and spiritual dialogue. Taught by Baraka Blue, with special guest teachers: Dr. Abdallah Rothman, A.Helwa, and Michael Sugich.

COURSE details

Baraka Blue will guide us through the vast literature within the Sufi tradition on the levels of human consciousness, with special consideration on the methods used to illuminate consciousness and awaken higher levels of awareness and the relevance of these ancient spiritual traditions for our modern world. 

What is the nafs (ego/self)? The ruh (spirit)? The qalb (heart)? The ‘aql (intellect)? How do we pass beyond the limitations of the lower self and come into an awareness of our true nature? What practical tools can we implement in our lives to deepen our practice and live with presence and God-consciousness? What is the nature of happiness? How can we distinguish between fleeting happiness and that which is everlasting. What is unveiling? What is the path to inner knowing? What are the  diseases of the heart and what are their cures? Do ancient spiritual traditions still possess wisdom for our modern world? How do Sufi approaches to psychology differ from modern approaches? How do the outer dimensions of religion relate to the inner spiritual dimensions? These questions and more will be explored in this 8-week course. 

  • This opening session will look closely at the concept of awakening in the Sufi tradition starting with the statement attributed to Ali ibn Abi Talib “people are sleeping and when they die they wake up.”

    We look at the relevant verses and traditions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, as well as quotes from Sufi teachers that speak of the spiritual reality of the human being before this world and the method of awakening to our true nature in the here and now.

  • This session will illuminate the concept of enlightenment and related topics through the lives of three of the greatest Sufi masters. All were scholars of the outward disciplines of the Islamic tradition who, at a certain point, had an awakening which not only transformed their consciousness but transformed their approach to teaching and guiding seekers on the path.

    Through their lives we will consider various aspects of Sufi theory and practice as well as its relationship to the broader Islamic tradition.

  • The third session will introduce and summarize the vast literature within the Sufi tradition on the levels of human consciousness, with special consideration on the methods used to illuminate consciousness and awaken higher levels of awareness. The levels of the nafs forms the foundation of Quranic psychology and is paradigmatic to the essence of Sufism.

  • Like other wisdom traditions, Sufism centers on the purification and illumination of the spiritual heart. The heart is the center of one’s consciousness and awareness. It has an eye that can be opened through spiritual practice, removal of egoic traits, and concentration upon the Real.

    We will look at Ghazali’s book Marvels of the Heart which serves as the introduction to the 20 volumes of his magnum opus that focus on the inner dimension of the human being. We will also consider the teachings of other Sufi authors on the purification of the heart.

  • This session looks at the topic of knowledge, focusing on transformative, illuminative or mystical knowledge and the method that this is attained.

    What distinguishes the knowledge that the Sufi’s seek? How is this different or similar to the knowledge sought by philosophers, theologians or modern scholars? Is the method of attaining such knowledge straight forward or mysterious?

  • Sufism is both doctrine and method. It is not simply a teaching about reality but a way of being that leads one to an experience of that reality.

    Having set the stage in previous sessions on the doctrinal frameworks of the Sufi path this session focuses on the methods central to Sufi practice; in other words: how to walk the path oneself. We will explore the the means of purifying and perfecting the self-that-knows, and thereby attaining the knowledge of reality focusing on three core components: Dhikr: invocation, acts of worship and asceticism; Fikr: contemplation and critical reflection; and Faqr: virtue cultivation and ethics.

  • This session focuses on the central importance of virtue and character transformation. Far from simply being moralistic, the central contention of Sufi psychology is that human beings have the potential to reflect the names and attributes of the Divine Reality. The famous tradition “characterize yourself with the characteristics of God,” alludes to the fact that the human being has the potential to realize the divine names and attributes within his soul. Thus virtue is ontological: bad character traits are veils that stand between us and the light of reality; transformation of one’s being to reflect them more fully is the essential journey from ego-consciousness to remembrance of our spiritual awareness which is our true nature.

  • The final session speaks about the ultimate goal of the spiritual path: the transcendence of ego-self (fana) and the experiential awakening to the divine reality. This culminates not only in ego-death and the experience of non-duality but the return to the realm of multiplicity with the perpetual awareness of Divine Unity (baqa). We will return to the place we began to consider the path of awakening and the practical ways we can walk this path in our day to day lives.


  • Weekly Teaching Videos and Readings

  • Weekly Practices including Dhikr, Meditation, and Written Reflections

  • Biweekly Live Sessions with Guest Teachers

    Weekly virtual sessions with Baraka Blue and guest teachers provide opportunity for dialogue and discussion as well as sharing writings and reflections.

    • Dr Abdallah Rothman —  A comparative look at modern and traditional spiritual psychology.

    • A. Helwa - Practical applications of Islamic psychology and how to bring Divine Love into everyday life. 

    • Michael Sugich — The importance of spiritual mentorship and companionship on the Sufi path.

  • Online Community Group

    In addition to our weekly sessions the online group serves as a place to connect and share your writings and reflections as well as read those of others around the world who are sharing the experience.

  • Certificate of Participation

    • Available to those who complete all teaching modules and attend live sessions (a total of 14 hours).

    • Please note that this is certificate does not count towards continuing education units for psychology clinicians.

registration details


Payment can be made as a one-time registration fee of $399*

Monthly payments are available at $222/month* for 2 months.

Payment is processed automatically and due whether you complete the course or not

about your teachers

B a r a k a B l u e — P R I M A R Y T E A C H E R

is a poet, musician, author, and teacher from Seattle, Washington. After reading the works of Rumi and Ibn Arabi he traveled to study with contemporary Sufi teachers in Morocco, Turkey, Yemen, Egypt and beyond. He is the founder of Rumi Center for Spirituality and the Arts - a community organization dedicated to teaching and transmitting the wisdom of the Sufi spiritual path to seekers from all walks of life through online courses, retreats, and artistic productions. 

In addition to releasing multiple studio albums, authoring books of poetry, and performing internationally, Baraka Blue is a prolific educator with a master’s degree in Islamic Studies from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.

a b d a l l a h r o t h m a n — G U E S T T E A C H E R

is a leading expert in the field of Islamic Psychology. He is the Head of Islamic Psychology at Cambridge Muslim College, founder of Dar al-Shifaa and co-founder and Executive Director of the International Association of Islamic Psychology, working at the intersection of Islamic spirituality and mental health practice.

Dr. Rothman is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and a Board Certified Registered Art Therapist (ATR-BC), licensed in the United States and currently living abroad in the UAE.

A. h e l w a — G U E S T T E A C H E R

is a writer and author who has inspired hundreds of thousands of readers through her passionate, poetic, and love-based approach to spirituality.

Her book Secrets of Divine Love is an international bestseller and her popular blog @quranquotesdaily, was established while obtaining her Masters in Divinity, as a means of helping others overcome personal and spiritual struggles on their journey of experiencing divine love. 

With over 15 years of experience writing and speaking on Islam and spiritual development, A. Helwa draws from her personal experiences and traditional sources to help her readers access ‘Divine love in everyday life.’

m i c h a e l s u g i c h — G U E S T T E A C H E R

is an author who has kept company with some of the greatest Sufi saints of the age from many parts of the world. His book Signs on the Horizon: Meeting with Men of Knowledge and Spiritual Illumination is an immersive contemporary memoir of his spiritual journey and interactions with men who have transcended the ordinary and achieved stations of spirituality and enlightenment that in the modern world we only attribute to the Biblical fathers of ancient times or to myth.