rUMI rETREAT: Journey to the city of hearts


September 23-30th, 2024

Konya, the mystical, spiritual, creative and cultural heart of Turkey.

Renowned for its rich spiritual heritage and as the resting place of the great Sufi mystic, Mawlana Rumi, Konya invites you to experience its profound energy and timeless wisdom.

This city, once the heart of the Seljuk Empire, offers a unique blend of history, spirituality, creative arts and vibrant culture, making it a perfect destination for a soul-enriching retreat.

Rumi Center is excited to announce our third retreat in Turkey; where we will gather in Konya, the revered ‘City of Whirling Dervishes’.

Come experience the mystical allure of one of the most significant cities in the world. Learn from esteemed artisans, musicians, mystics and teachers in one of the most spiritually potent cities evoking a sense of timelessness. In Konya, each moment invites introspection, peace and a deeper connection to the Divine.

The Spiritual Heart of Turkey

Konya is an ancient city with deep spiritual roots. For over 800 years, it has been a hub of Sufism, attracting seekers from all over the world. This sacred city, home to the legendary poet and mystic Mawlana Rumi, is a testament to a profound spiritual legacy. A visit to Konya is like stepping back in time. The Mevlana Museum, where Rumi's tomb is located, is the focal point of our journey. Here, the energy of centuries of devotion and prayer creates an atmosphere of deep contemplation, peace and baraka (blessings). Discover the living wisdom embedded in the ancient structures, intricate Islamic calligraphy, historic mosques and beautifully adorned Seljuk architecture.

A Feast for the Senses

Konya is a feast for the senses. Start each day with delicious breakfast spreads. Immerse yourself in the aromas of Turkish coffee, freshly baked bread and spices from the bustling market nearby. Listen to the rhythmic melodies of Sufi music, the call to prayer (athan) echoing through the streets and the soft whispers of history in the air. Experience the local annual Sufi Mystic Music festival – showcasing renowned Sufi musicians from all around the world. Feel the intricate textures of handwoven kilims at the local shops, take in the vibrantly coloured ceramics and listen to the enchanting melodies of the traditional Ney flute. From the vibrant markets to the tranquil gardens and sacred sites, the city provides the backdrop for a transformative experience both inwardly and outwardly.

Yet, it is the world beyond the senses — that of the spirit — that has inspired seekers to flock to Konya for centuries. Full of countless Sufi lodges (tekkes), ancient mosques, and gatherings of remembrance, Konya is above all an experience for the spirit.

Where Ancient History, Culture, Creative Arts and Spirituality Intersect

The Rumi Retreat is a rare opportunity to explore a destination that weaves in spirituality, ancient history, culture, and creative arts – the city of Konya.

you can look forward to:

Tracing the footsteps of Rumi through visits to his tomb and the Mevlana Museum.

  • Guided visits to the sacred sites and tombs of Sufi mystics and saints.

  • Exploring the rich Seljuk heritage and architecture with guided tours of historic mosques, markets and local sites. 

  • Engaging with local artisans, learning traditional crafts, experiencing and witnessing the living traditions of Konya's artistic heritage.

  • Daily reflections on the poetry and wisdom of Rumi and other local Sufi saints, led by esteemed Sufi scholars.

  • Attending whirling dervish ceremonies or Semas, experiencing the profound spiritual practice of the Mevlevi order – discovering more about the rich symbolism and devotion of this ritual. 

  • Attending gatherings of remembrance with local Sufis, delving into the mystical practices of Sufism.

  • Evenings filled with poetry, qasidas and dhikr in blessed company.

  • Enjoying warm Turkish hospitality, delicious local cuisine and serene settings at the boutique hotel we will stay in.

  • Gathering in spiritual community, making lifelong friends on the path. 

This retreat provides space to reflect and introspect – to gain a deeper understanding of self and the spiritual path. In addition to the exploration of the city there will be ample time for contemplation and good conversation with fellow travellers and companions on the path over copious cups of Turkish tea. 

Join us on this unique spiritual retreat and discover the beauty of Konya. Let the wisdom of Rumi guide you, the beauty of the city inspire you, and the warmth of its people embrace you. In Konya, you will not just see history; you will feel it, live it and be transformed by it. This is more than a journey; it is an awakening. Come, seek, and you shall find.



Our Konya retreat is fully booked!

However, due to demand from our community, we are expanding the opportunity for a few more to join us with a new package option!

Book Your Own Accommodation

$1650 per person (does not include accommodation)

(discounts available for Turkish residents - email )

Please note: this new package would require that you book your own accommodation in Konya as we have reached full capacity at our hotel.

In order to make the booking process easier for you, we have compiled a list of hotels near where our main hotel is (Araf Hotel):

  1. Sufi Homes (0 min walk)

  2. Think Hotel (2 min walk)

  3. Bablin Butik Otel (1 min walk)

  4. Hich Hotel Konya (4 min walk)

  5. Konya Dervish Hotel (6 min walk)

  6. Hilton Garden Inn (18 min walk)

  7. Ramada Plaza (20 min drive)

Retreat registration closes September 16


  • 7 nights accommodation in a boutique Turkish hotel

  • All ground transportation within Konya

  • Daily breakfast and 2 group dinners

  • Daily teachings on Rumi’s Poetry and the Sufi Path led by Baraka Blue

  • Nightly dhikr and suhba with Baraka Blue and the Al Firdaus Ensemble

  • Attendance of the Sema (whirling dervish ceremony) with lessons on its ritual symbolism

  • Sacred arts workshops led by Master Artisans including: ebru (paper marbling), the ney flute, illumination and more

  • Tours and tickets to museums and visits to sacred sites

  • Attendance at the Sufi Mystic Music Festival


  • Accommodations (for ‘Book Your Own Accommodation’ Package only)

  • Breakfasts (for ‘Book Your Own Accommodation’ Package only)

  • Airfare

  • Visa Fee if applicable

  • Travel/Medical Insurance

  • Airport Transfers

  • Additional Expenditures / Shopping

  • Extra meals


Baraka Blue

Baraka Blue is a Sufi poet, musician, author and founder of Rumi Center.  In addition to releasing multiple studio albums, authoring books of poetry, and performing internationally, he has a degree in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from the University of Washington and a Masters in Islamic Studies from Berkley’s Graduate Theological Union. After a life-altering encounter with Rumi’s poetry as a teenager he has been a student of Sufism and Sufi poetry for the past 20 years.

Ali Keeler & Omar Benlamlih from the al firdaus ensemble

Ali Keeler & Omar Benlamlih are members of the Al Firdaus Ensemble, based in Granada. The group takes its inspiration from the word “Firdaus,” which is the Arabic name, of Persian origin, for the highest abode in Paradise.

The unique sound of their music is due to a synthesis of different musical styles. These include original compositions of a more Western classical character, with influences from both Celtic and Flamenco traditions, and new arrangements of songs drawn from the rich heritage of traditional sufi music from Arabic, Andalusi, and Turkish sources.

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