Surely in the remembrance of God do hearts find peace.
—Qur’an 13:28
Ramadan is the month of the Quran. It is the month that its verses were first revealed to the blessed Prophet. It is the time of year that we increase in reading, reciting, and reflecting on its profound meanings. In our busy lives, all of us strive to slow down this month, reduce our worldly distractions, go within and increase our intimacy with the Book.
This year Rumi Center is offering a course that has been curated for those who want to deepen their connection with the Quran, meditate deeply upon its verses, and infuse their Ramadan with remembrance.
This course gives participants an opportunity to write and reflect on the Quranic teachings about the world around them and within them through writing prompts around key themes and teachings of the scripture.
Poet and teacher Baraka Blue will take us through a weekly poem that elaborates on a key theme of the Quran; offering commentary with reference to verses, hadith, and teachings from the great spiritual masters of Islam. In addition to weekly teachings there will be a daily passage from the Quran to center our meditation and written reflection upon its meanings.
Daily Quranic Passages
For contemplation and written reflection; each passage relates to the weekly theme.
Weekly Videos
Each video includes a recitation and commentary upon a poem that centers upon the week’s Quranic theme.
Weekly Writing Prompts
For deeper reflection on key themes of the Quran prompts offer an opportunity to meditate and write as well as share and discuss with the group.
Weekly Live Sessions
Weekly virtual sessions with Baraka Blue provide opportunity for dialogue and discussion as well as sharing writings and reflections.
Online Community Group
In addition to our weekly sessions the online group serves as a place to connect and share your daily writings and reflections as well as read those of others around the world who are sharing the experience.
Two Courses for the Price of One
All participants will also get access to material from our previous Ramadan course, The Book of Love, to explore as self-guided study. The Book of Love contains meditations, readings and videos exploring beauty and wisdom of the Quran with a special focus on the Quranic treatment of Love. Taking the great sages of love as our guides (al-Ghazali, Rumi, and others), it explores what means to love God, what it means to be God’s beloveds, and the means to attain that love through walking the way of love, outwardly and inwardly.
This course is for anyone who wants to deepen their intimacy with the Quran and its key themes and teachings. Those who already have an intimate relationship with the Quran as well as those who have never read it before will find the opportunity for deepening engagement with the scripture.
One need not be a writer or poet. Tips for how to cultivate a writing practice and get the most out of it will be given, but writing is simply used in this course as one of the tools of contemplation and reflection.
One need not speak Arabic; references to original verses in Arabic will be given but all Arabic words and passages will be translated into English.
One need not be Muslim or have ever read the Quran before.
registration details
Full access for
self paced / Asynchronous learning
Pre-recorded passages for daily contemplation and written reflection
Pre-recorded passage commentary videos
Weekly Pre-recorded Zoom sessions
Payment can be made as a one-time registration fee of $222*
Monthly payments are available at $111/month* for 2 months.
Payment is processed automatically and due whether you complete the course or not
*Registration for The Book of Remembrance includes access to course materials to our previous Ramadan course, The Book of Love, so participants will be getting two courses for the price of one.
about your teacher
B a r a k a B l u e
is a poet, musician, author, teacher, and founder of Rumi Center from Seattle, Washington. In addition to releasing multiple studio albums, authoring books of poetry, and performing internationally, Baraka Blue is a prolific educator with a master’s degree in Islamic Studies from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.
He spent a number of years studying with traditional spiritual masters in Africa, Turkey, Asia and the Arab world. He has performed and taught all over the world, including at institutions such as Harvard, Princeton, and the School of Oriental and African Studies.