
A Ninety-Nine Day Immersion in
the Names of Allah  

September 23, 2024 - December 31, 2024


How can we understand the Names? How can we come to witness them within and around us? How can they awaken us to a deeper experience of the Divine Presence?

The Prophet ﷺ said, “God has ninety-nine names, whoever preserves them enters eternal bliss.” For 1500 years mystics, philosophers, metaphysicians, and poets have spilled oceans of ink in exposition of the meaning of these words.  While the divine essence is transcendent beyond any mental conception, the Names provide pathways to know and draw near to Allah. The Names, as al-Ghazali put it, “are doors to proximity.” We can awaken each Name within ourselves through increased contemplation and invocation. As we deepen our relationship with the Names we come to witness them all around us and within us, until we see all of existence as an expression of the Divine Names.   

The Sufis in particular have focused on the ways that human beings can come to actualize the Names within themselves, as expressed in the famous saying, “Qualify yourself with the qualities of God (takhaluq b’akhlaq’illah).” The spiritual heart, like a mirror, has the ability to reflect the divine names and attributes. The practice of remembrance, dhikr'Allah, is a means to remove that which obscures the heart’s natural reflectivity and to polish the mirror to awaken what lies dormant deep within us.    

COURSE details

Taking the great Sufi sages as our guides, we will reflect upon a single name each day, exploring all Ninety-Nine Names over the course of ninety-nine days and nights. Each day participants will receive a commentary and meditation upon a specific Name. Using this as a guide, participants will write a reflection on each Name exploring the way it presents itself in the world and within themselves. We will consider the ways that the prophets and sages have exemplified the perfection of these Names and contemplate their advice on the ways to awaken them in ourselves. In addition to daily audio meditations, commentary and writing prompt, this specific cohort will include 3 live sessions with Baraka Blue and community.


  • Daily Audio Meditations and Commentary

  • Daily Writing Prompts and Reflections on the Names

  • Three Live Sessions with Baraka Blue

    Virtual sessions with Baraka Blue provide opportunity for dialogue and discussion as well as sharing writings and reflections.

  • Online Community Group

    The online group serves as a place to connect and share your writings and reflections as well as read those of others around the world who are sharing the experience.

registration details


  • Meditations with each name are released daily on our online learning platform.

  • Live sessions will be hosted on zoom on Saturdays at 9 - 10:30 AM PT

    • October 5th at 9AM PST

    • November 2nd at 9AM PST

    • December 7th at 9AM PST


Payment can be made as a one-time registration fee of $199

about your teachers

B a r a k a B l u e

is a poet, musician, author, and teacher from Seattle, Washington. After reading the works of Rumi and Ibn Arabi he traveled to study with contemporary Sufi teachers in Morocco, Turkey, Yemen, Egypt and beyond. He is the founder of Rumi Center for Spirituality and the Arts - a community organization dedicated to teaching and transmitting the wisdom of the Sufi spiritual path to seekers from all walks of life through online courses, retreats, and artistic productions. 

In addition to releasing multiple studio albums, authoring books of poetry, and performing internationally, Baraka Blue is a prolific educator with a master’s degree in Islamic Studies from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.